Game Boy Emulator

We love seeing emulator projects on Teensy hardware, and reproducing the original DMG Game Boy, with its 4MHz, 8-bit CPU, is certainly well within the capabilities of the Teensy 4.1’s 600MHz Cortex-M7.

Forum member blazarious has created an elegant “breadboard Game Boy”, consisting mostly of simple through-hole components, plus a custom board for the 4-inch 480×480 pixel TFT display.

Game ROMs are loaded from the Teensy 4.1’s mSD slot — or more accurately game “ROM” since only Tetris is playable at present. Only three of the four sound channels are currently supported, though that is plenty for the classic Tetris soundtrack to be recognizable in the video below. More info can be found in the project’s GitHub repository, while the display driver library and hardware has its own separate repo, and a series of blog posts detail the project’s progress and evolution over time.