Adam74 Text Terminal

Just in time for #MARCHintosh, we present: John Calhoun’s Adam74 mini terminal. With form inspired by the ADM-3A video display terminal, and functionality by the Apple I’s ASCII bus, this diminutive display accepts 7-bit ASCII codes, then renders them on a 3″ LCD.

Based around the Teensy 4.0, the Adam74 incorporates a custom PCB with an ILI9341-based LCD, plus a small speaker in order to enable the BELL control code. Additional codes allow simple cursor movement, with text wrapping and scrolling handled by software on the Teensy.

The complete source, as well as Gerber files and schematic for the PCB, and even an SVG to help recreate the stand, are available on the project’s GitHub repo. An excellent recounting of the project’s genesis can be found on John’s Engineers Need Art blog, along with a number of other unique and interesting, mostly Apple-oriented projects and stories.