Triple Voice Wavetable Synthesizer

We see a lot of great Teensy-based synth projects, but this triple-voice wavetable synthesizer from Nanopolis absolutely blew us away with its sound and ease of use.

Hardware-wise, this Eurorack module-to-be consists of a Teensy 4.1 (overclocked to 816MHz!), a 16-level greyscale OLED display, 16MB of RAM for the wavetables, four endless potentiometers, and a fifth incremental encoder. With 2048 Serum-compatible 32-bit WAV samples (128 waves per wavetable) on microSD, and one wavetable per oscillator, a truly incredible range of sounds are possible. Six CV inputs make it easy to integrate with other gear, and one output per voice plus main mix give you complete recording flexibility. We can’t wait to see the final product, and highly recommend you indulge in the almost half-hour demo below.