Pennywise Clown Robot

Japreja alerted us to this utterly horrifying build, on the Basicmicro forums, and after hiding under our desks for a while, we’ve finally summoned the strength to write about It

It is quite literally a nightmare-inducing full-scale recreation of Stephen King’s Pennywise clown, weighing in at 150 lbs, with the most menacing self-balancing we’ve ever seen, powered by a pair or Teensy 3.2 boards! A Basic Micro MCP233 controller drives NPC T64 motors to give the bot horizontal mobility, with a 9-axis MEMS sensor helping the “lower” Teensy keep things upright. Basic Micro’s RoboClaw 2x30A drives a windshield wiper worm gear motor to provide the clown’s terrifying vertical motion. A 12-channel RadioLink transmitter and receiver provides remote control. Not much else is known about this build or its creator — we’re hoping It didn’t turn on them — but you can see It in action below…if you dare!