Advanced Line-Following Robot

Line-Following Robots are a fun way to get started with robotics, as well as to compete with others to see how your skills stack up. Midhun has created a unique, well-documented LFR.

An array of IR LED/phototransistor pairs in the form of Pololu’s QTRX line sensors give the bot eyes, while perfboard is used not only to connect its various breakout boards, but also to form its chassis. Dual 6V 1580 RPM high-power 15:1 gear motors power the unit, with encoders for position and distance estimation and the 10DOF motion sensors from our own Prop Shield providing heading and position. A  SparkFun TeensyView displays telemetry, calibration and other functions. An overview of the LFR can be seen in the video below, with complete, detailed build instructions on Instructables.